Wednesday, 6 July 2011

My good old Dream...

When I was little, i had the weirdest dream ever. I've had the dream on repeat quite often. So it was, I was outside in the street playing with some 'friends'. The place is in the Philippines because I was in the Philippines when i had the dream. So i was out having fun, it was a hot sunny day. When I realize it was getting dark i decide to get home, so i was walking through this street with full of trees everywhere. There was no cars coming or anyone passing by. I was calm and humming a song but all of the sudden i took one step and TADA! Im in the big City, which looks like in America. The place is noisy, busy and crowded. But here come's the fun bit, theres a big shake on the ground and without me realizing, I turned around and i saw a Dinosaur behind me. I run the fast as i could and it was weird because i was only little means i was running very slow and the dinosaur should run really fast than me but it was the other round, the dinosaur is far behind me. I hid under this small table because i was scared its going to eat me. But i sneezed and the dinosaur heard me but then i woke up, the dream wasnt quite finish yet but 'PHEWW!'

I could use this Dream idea of a Dinosaur running after someone but to make it different, i could take a picture of my sister running after the dinosaur :) thats more interesting and a little Surrealism.

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